111. Long-term dietary supplementation with a Yang-invigorating Chinese herbal formula increases lifespan and migigates age-associated declines in mitochondrial antioxidant status and functional ability of various tissues in male and female C57BL/6J mice.

Ko KM, Chiu PY, Leung HY, Siu ADL, Chen N, Leong EPK, Poon MKT

Department of Biochemistry, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong, China.

To investigate whether Vigconic 28 (VI-28), a Yang-invigorating Chinese herbal formula, could affect survival of aging animals, male and female C57BL/6J mice were given a VI-28-supplemented diet (0.05 and 0.5%, wt/wt) starting at 36 weeks of age, until death. VI-28 dietary supplementation at 0.05% significantly increased median lifespans of both male and female mice as compared to controls. Survival enhancement was associated with protection against age-associated impairments in mitochondrial antioxidant status and functional ability in various tissues. In conclusion, VI-28 could retard the aging process in mice, probably by mitigating age-associated declines in mitochondrial antioxidant status and functional ability in tissues.